"The Red Door"

The Red Door Dense, charcoal clouds hang over the land. Heavy rain saturating the earth resurfaces the soot and worms once hiding underneath the dirt. The storm has washed away any traces of civilization except for a black, unmarked Crown Victoria that sits in neutral on the shoulder of the empty road. Light from its head beams refracts off the glazed concrete. Smog emptying out from the exhaust pipe adds to the layer of fog blanketing the ground. Despite the dark tinted windows preventing outsiders from seeing inside, one could sense there are eyes behind the glass watching. Like a predator stalking its prey. Inside the vehicle, Detectives Wallace and Kelly share a small flask of whiskey. It's just after midnight on a Friday in October. Both the years and the heartbreak have started to show on the detectives. Only the soft chatter buzzing through their police radio interrupts the constant sound of rain pelting down on the car. With the ...