"Oxen Free"

It's a warm summer night in the woods just outside of the small town of Manassas, Virginia. Four friends, Charlie, Glenn, Frank, and James are playing flashlight tag in the woods behind Charlie's home. Glenn is counting down from five Mississippi on the porch as Charlie, Frank, and James dart into the woods lining the back yard. Charlie breaks off from the other two boys and finds a secluded hiding spot in an old abandoned station wagon. Glenn calls out to his friends. "Ready or not!, Here I come!" Glenn booms into the night. Armed with Charlie's fathers police issued flashlight, Glenn enters the woods to search for his friends. Charlie realizes he is well hidden and is sure he will win the game. Hears the rustling of branches and sticks around him, accompanied by the laughter of his friends. Charlie listens as he hears James and Frank being found and escorted back to the porch by Glenn. Charlie is alone in the silent and dark woods as he hears his friends...