A Fork in the Road

A Fork In The Road It's a comfortable night at a town's annual end of the summer festival, Jason is out enjoying the festivities before he heads to his first year of college. It's your typical street festival with booths of all kinds of food, small stages of live music, games, rides, and most of all people. As Jason walks alone amongst the crowd of people he feels invisible, a feeling that is all to familiar for him. He wasn't a geek, jock, popular, or the class clown. In his high school Jason simply existed with a small group of friends, going day by day seemingly unnoticed. His friends and family were always enough for Jason, but at times he couldn't help but want for more. Jason participated in all the high schools sports, some times he made the teams other times he was cut. The teams he did make he never saw the field, never had his name in the papers, and never walked down the hallways as a school hero. In his family Jason always...