"The Passenger"

The Passenger: Friday, December 20th, 11:30 P.M. In-between boundless miles of woodland on either side, a dark country highway sits quietly undisturbed in the middle of the night. A fresh layer of late December snow begins to majestically blanket the pothole riddled pavement, with a dim glow from lampposts high above illuminating the darkness. Like a beacon in the night, the silhouette of a large city rises in the distance through a thick layer of light pollution from a vast skyline. Lying at the end of the hazardous stretch of road is a bustling city filled with residents going about their seasonal activities, enjoying the holiday season. Suddenly, the headlights from a red 1969 mustang brighten the dark country highway, as the vehicle valiantly tries to navigate the missing road resting somewhere beneath the rapidly thickening layer of snow. Slipping and sliding through the night, the long journey into the city from the outskirts is poised to take much ...