"The Passenger"

The Passenger:

Friday, December 20th, 11:30 P.M.

In-between boundless miles of woodland on either side, a dark country highway sits quietly undisturbed in the middle of the night. A fresh layer of late December snow begins to majestically blanket the pothole riddled pavement, with a dim glow from lampposts high above illuminating the darkness. Like a beacon in the night, the silhouette of a large city rises in the distance through a thick layer of light pollution from a vast skyline. Lying at the end of the hazardous stretch of road is a bustling city filled with residents going about their seasonal activities, enjoying the holiday season. 

Suddenly, the headlights from a red 1969 mustang brighten the dark country highway, as the vehicle valiantly tries to navigate the missing road resting somewhere beneath the rapidly thickening layer of snow. Slipping and sliding through the night, the long journey into the city from the outskirts is poised to take much longer than usual. Miraculously finding a steady patch of road, the car begins to cruise at a methodical and unchallenging pace. As the car is motoring along, a man standing under one of the dim light poles desperately pleads for a ride. However, instead of stopping the car cruises right by the man. It isn't until a brief view of the defeated looking hitchhiker comes into the rear view mirror, does the car decide to come sliding to a stop.

"Dammit," the driver of the red mustang grunts as the car eventually comes to a halt.

The driver of the automobile quickly turns his head and looks back at the man struggling to walk down the road, before shifting back and starring momentarily at the welcoming city lights in the distance. After a brief moment of contemplation, the car is thrown into reverse and slowly works its way back towards the hitchhiker. As the mustang crawls it's way towards the stranded traveler, the car comes to a standstill at the feet of the potential passenger.

"Hop in," a voice from the driver's seat calls out to the man as the passenger door swings open.

The traveler throws his belongings on the ground in front of the passenger's seat and sits down beside the driver. The hitchhiker slams his door shut and the two traveling companions begin to make their way into the city, as snow continues to fall. After a few initial minutes of awkward silence, the driver attempts to ease the palpable tension filling the car. 

"Hey," the driver blurts out. "Sorry I didn't stop for you initially. I wasn't able to see you until I passed through that street light you were standing under, because of this damn snow."

"Don't worry about it," the passenger states unconvinced of the drivers excuse. "At least you saw me before it was too late." 

While the two travelers continue to make their way down the treacherous highway, a low output of static noise emits through the cars radio.

"Looks like the signals are still down because of the storm," the driver comments. "So I forgot to ask, but where are you headed anyway." 

"Just back into the city," the passenger clarifies. 

"Well that is where I am headed also," the driver points out. "I guess this was just meant to be then. By the way I never asked for your name." 

Friday, December 20th, 7:00 P.M. 

Two men sit at opposite sides of a round table, in an all but empty employee break room chatting and sharing a cup of coffee. Meanwhile, the television in the top corner of the room displays the local newscast.

Although it looks as though the worst parts of the storm will affect the suburban areas, we will still see a good amount of snow downtown. So make sure you get your shopping done early and those shovels ready for the morning, because it is going to be one messy commute. Back to you Curtis. 

Thanks Jeff, for further updates regarding this potentially hazardous blizzard making its way through the area, stay tuned to WKBX Channel 5. We'll be right back. 

"So what are the chances that we get snowed in here tonight?" accountant Thomas Martin says to his co-worker sitting beside him. 

"The way our night has been going, I'd say it's essentially a guarantee," fellow accountant Jake Conley responds as the two men share a laugh. 

Martin and Conley are two accountants at a major export business located on the outskirts of the city limits. Due to the expanding size of the company, the headquarters was moved from its downtown office to a more spacious suburbia location. Every few months two accountants are selected to stay late at the office and assess the companies current financial situation. On this particular night, that task was given to Martin and Conley. 

"Hey guys?" a voice calls out from the hallway. 

"In here," Martin says as he picks up the remote from the break room table to put the returning newscast on mute. 

Just as he does so, Martin and Conley's boss peaks is head into the break room from the hallway outside. 

"I just wanted to say thanks for staying late and see if there was anything that you needed before I take off for the night?" their boss says. "We all really appreciate you guys doing this, I know you'd rather be with your friends and family. Especially this time of the year." 

"Don't mention it," Conley replies. 

"Just doing our job boss," Martin offers as an awkward silence ensues between the three men. 

"Alright well I'm going to head out," their boss speaks breaking the silence. "Don't forget to lock up when you leave and drive safe. It's supposed to be a mess out their. 

The two men then return to their coffee and conversation. Before long Martin and Conley decide that they should get back to work, in an attempt to get their work done before the worst of the storm makes its way into the area. Just as Conley goes to switch off the television as the two men are getting up from the table, the story on the screen catches his attention. 

"Whoa," Conley mutters. 

"What's up?" Martin says as he turns back just before exiting through the break room door. 

"Check this out," Conley urges. 

We are back and we are continuing our coverage of this breaking story. Charlie Austin, convicted of the murders of no less than 25 people in the Fort Worth area, has reportedly escaped from a nearby maximum security prison. He is believed to have escaped the facility on foot and his current whereabouts are not known at this time. Austin, the man who terrorized the Fort Worth area for nearly 10 years before his incarceration, was set to be executed on death row for his crimes at the beginning of the new year. Austin is believed to be possibly armed and is to be considered especially dangerous. If spotted, or if you have any information regarding his location, do not attempt to approach or apprehend and immediately contact the authorities.

"Wow," Martin gasps with his eyes firmly locked on to the screen. 

"I know, that's crazy," Conley reiterates. "Where was he locked up?" 

"I think it was Silverwater Asylum right?" Martin speculates. "I remember that his lawyers tried to argue that he had some mental disorder like multiple personality or schizophrenia. I'm not exactly sure what, but when I was watching the trial I couldn't shake this feeling that it was an act." 

"Really?" Conley croaks. "Wait did you say Silverwater?" 

"Yeah, why?" Martin asks. 

"That place is only like twenty miles north of here," Conley stammers. "What if he." 

Just then, the two men are interrupted by a loud bang from somewhere down the hallway. Martin and Conley look at each other in a state of stunned silence. The two men stare out into the hallway through the dark opening of the employee break room door. As Martin slowly walks over towards the door, he is stopped in his tracks by the sound of another loud bang. 

"Okay, what the fuck was that?" Conley yells out to Martin. "What if it's him!" 

"Be quiet!" Martin hisses as he runs over and closes the door. "Let's just calm down for a second. I think we are letting our imaginations spiral out of control, because of the story on the news. I'm sure there is a perfectly rational explanation for whatever made that noise." 

"You don't think you are being a little naive?" Conley challenges. "Twenty miles isn't that far if you think about it." 

"First of all, the man has been locked up for nearly thirty years," Martin claims. "Even if he is capable of walking that far, I think the last place he would want to go is right back to the place where he was caught. Plus did I mention it's a blizzard out there?" 

Another loud bang cause both men to flinch. 

"I'm telling you, its Austin trying to get in here," Conley says. 

"Don't be ridiculous," Martin scolds. "Let's just find out what it is." 

The co-workers cautiously exit the safety of the employee break room, as they begin to search for the origin of the mysterious and potentially ominous noise. Martin and Conley walk through the dark office building with their arms extended in front of them, using the flashlights on their cellphones and dim fluorescent bulbs above their heads to guide them through a labyrinth of cubicles and empty offices. As they silently make their way through the darkness, another loud bang echos through the building as the lights above their heads suddenly go out.

"What was that?" Conley cries as Martin pulls him into one of the empty cubicles. 

The two men exit the cubicle in a crouching position and start heading towards where they believe the sound originated from, the front door. As the two men get closer, they begin to get a clearer picture of what has been going on. 

"You see that?" Martin asks Conley as the two men walk up to the front door. 

Through the glass window on the right hand side of the entrance, a partially detached tree branch swings back and forth coming in contact with the glass on occasion causing a loud banging noise. In the distance another detached tree branch is caught in the power lines, slightly ablaze from the popping electrical sparks. 

"Well that explains why the power went out," Martin examines. "The wind from the blizzard must have knocked those branches down. I told you that you were being ridiculous." 

"Can't say that I'm disappointed," Conley jokes. 

"It doesn't look like we are going to get anymore work done tonight," Martin smirks. "Let's get the hell out of here." 

"Actually," Conley blurts as Martin starts to walk to his office. "I think I might just stick it out here tonight." 

"Really?" Martin exclaims. 

"Yeah," Conley remarks. "I've had enough excitement for one night. I think I'm just going to wait out the worst of this blizzard before trying to make it back in the city." 

"Well I've got a wife and kids waiting for me back at home," Martin states. "I've got to get back to them tonight. Call me in the morning to let me know that you made it back, or if you need anything. Here's the keys." 

Martin hands the office keys to Conley as the two friends start to go their separate ways. 

Saturday, December 21st, 12:01 A.M.

Before the passenger can answer the driver's question, the sound of a ringing cellphone interrupts the travelers. The passenger ruffles around his belongings on the dark car floor looking for the ringing phone. 

"Just a second," the passenger says to the driver. "Hey honey." 

A few moments of muffled dialogue from the other end of the call go by. 

"Ya I'm fine," he responds into the phone. "I found another ride, don't worry I'm fine. I know sweetie, I'll be fine."

The final few moments of the phone conversation go by. 

"I love you too and I'll see you when I get home," the passenger softly says into his phone as he ends the call. 

"Sorry about that," the passenger apologizes to the driver. "I was actually driving home from work earlier, before my car slid off the road into a ditch. I tried to get it out but the snow was too deep so I started walking. Thankfully you came by and saved me with this ride. My name is Martin by the way, Thomas Martin."

Thomas reaches out and extends his arm in an attempt to shake the drivers' hand, but his gesture is not reciprocated by the driver. Instead the driver, unresponsive and motionless, stares straight ahead towards the city lights. An eerie and uneasy feeling begins to bubble in Thomas' stomach. 

"You know," Thomas chokes as he breaks the tension filled silence. "I actually thought you might have been someone I knew. My boss actually has this same car." 

"You don't say?" the driver finally speaks.

Thomas then stealthily reaches into his pocket, as he desperately looks for his cell phone. Finding it, he pulls it out and begins to make another call. Before he can, the phone suddenly blinks before shutting off. 

"Shit!" Thomas accidentally blurts out. 

"Everything okay?" the driver coldly inquires as he continues to stare down the road towards the city. 

"Oh, yes," Thomas squeaks as he nervously tries to keep calm. "My phone just died on me."

"Probably for the best," the driver oddly states.

"You don't have a charger on you, do you?" Thomas asks to an unresponsive driver. "I'll just check the glove compartment." 

As he reaches and opens the glove compartment, a few random items fall out and disappear into the darkness car floor.

"I'm sorry," Thomas says as he feels around with hands for the objects. 

As Thomas finally manages to find what has fallen out, he takes a moment to examine his findings. He holds up a piece of laminated plastic close to his face. Doing so, he makes the horrific discovery of his bosses drivers license. At that moment, the signal finally returns to the radio and the continuing breaking news coverage instantly comes through clear as day.

Shocking developments, from an already shocking story. As we reported earlier, convicted serial killer Charlie Austin, has escaped Sliverwater Asylum. We can now report that after a deadly standoff with police on Highway 87, Austin has taken a hostage and stolen a red 1969 mustang. He is believed to be headed towards the downtown area, and citizens are urged to stay indoors, we'll have more as this story develops. 

As the audio from the radio fades out, it is replaced by the sound of a faint knocking coming from the trunk of the mustang. 

"I really don't want any trouble," Thomas stutters as his heart creeps into his throat. "Please just let me out and I'll forget I ever saw you." 

"I wanted to change," Austin offers. "I really did, but they just wouldn't let me go. They'll never let me go. Then I saw you just standing there on the road. All alone in the snow. With nobody around." 

Thomas, once again finds himself frozen in place, unable to look away from the radio and the continuing coverage emitting from the speakers. Thomas is finally able to look away, as he slowly turns his head towards the driver. Thomas makes the horrifying discovery of Austin starring right back at him. The sound of rattling in the trunk echos through the entire car. Snow continues to gently fall outside, as the car speeds down the highway towards the busy city.

The End:


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