"The Brave Man"
"The Brave Man" By: Brendan Cadman In the trappings and garments of, a man full of courage he stood, amongst others tall and bright. Like a lighthouse guiding the boats, lost in the mist towards the safety, of the docks in the port. he was a brave man. Brave enough to never fear, what may or may not lurk in the shadows. he was a brave man. Brave enough to never fear the, monsters hiding in the back of dark closets. he was a brave man. Brave enough to never lose any sleep, over the myths and tales told around, the roaring flames of a campfire. he was a brave man. Brave enough to journey through, homes haunted by spirits of long ago. he was a brave man. Brave enough to extend himself with, an open heart to friend and foe alike. he was a brave man. Brave enough to never fear losing, himself on the uncharted road into the unknown. he was a brave man. Brave enough to ...