"Deadly Weapons"

"Deadly Weapons"
By: Brendan Cadman

Laid as the bedrock of our foundation,
inscribed on the certificate of our birth,
through the black ink of feathered quills.
Its power can tear through the strongest armor,
equipped with scopes for accuracy from miles away,
the targets locked in its sights have no way to escape.
There are ones who use them for protection,
to preserve everything they've worked for,
shielding from the strays the ones they love. 
But often they find their way into the hands of the wicked,
the people who would use them for chaos and evil,
to set the world on fire just to watch it burn.
When treated and shown the respect they demand,
they are harmless in the proper hands.
Gifted with the ability to right what has been wronged,
beseech the ruthless and tyrannical from their thrones,
and inspire the change that affects and benefits us all.
When used with ill intentions and contempt,
they can oppress and silence more than hearts and minds. 
Your right to use them as you wish it may be,
it's all our right to the feel the warmth,
underneath a blanket of protection.
and not to fear the ambiguity of senseless cruelty.
It's the most powerful firearm in our arsenal,
with its ironic ability to mend and harm. 
They can inspire the hesitant,
and lift the timid to reach new heights.
They can snuff out the raging fire of the ambitious, 
and wear away the tread on the wheels of progress.
So be careful who and where you aim those words,
as they roll off the muzzle on your tongue,
they are as deadly a weapon as they come. 



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