
Showing posts from October, 2016

"Feet in the Water"

A storm approaches the city off the coast,  tu r n ing the sunny skies into a cloudy grey aftern oon .  People lock up their sh ops, board up their windows ,  and prepare themselv es for a seemin gly inevitable doom .  Winds blow throu gh the trees , light ning st reaks through the skies, the habitat drowns in rain, and our worst fears unfold right before our very eyes.  The child wa tches through his window as the rain gathers into a make-shift lake on his back lawn .  Not fea ring what others have desperately tried to sheild themse lves from , he r uns into the conditions and beg ins to play a long .  He run s and jump s , s plashing around with his feet in the water .  He is not worried for a m oment nor dreads what others have sheltered themselves from in horror . He understand that every no w and then life is going to produce a storm .  But as long as you embrace the turbulance you will only grow st ronger from the...

"The Old Man on the Bench"

  The Old Man on the Bench Leaves of gold, red, and brown fall from the high looming trees of Central P ark and turn the walking path into a moving tapestry of various colors. A brisk Autumn wind blows the leaves across the feet of joggers on their da ily runs , couples walking their dogs that pull on their leashes eager to chase after squir rels s afely pirche d at th e top of the tall trees , and fam ilies en joying the picturesque Sunday aftern oon .  As the tantalizing moments of sunshine sneak through the remaining grey clouds from a morining rain shower that fill the sky, an old man slowly shuffles over to his favorite bench in the pa rk . As the old man, who needs the assistance of an old wooden cane to maneuver himself about, reaches the bench he takes a seat and pulls out a paper bag full of bird seed. "Here you go my aviary friends," the old man says throwing the seed onto the ground.  A few birds flock to the feet of the old man, pecking at ...