"The Undiagnosed"

"The Undiagnosed"

A warm heart, a shy smile, a confident bearing, and a tortured soul. 
Never backing down but never stepping forward, content just enough to be on his own. 
Utterly complicated and wonderfully simple, with never needing much explanation
Yet constantly misunderstood because the way he feels is in a perpetual state of self-examination
One day happy one day sad and one minute angry one minute glad
If you asked him how he was doing it would be as fluid as the cold
water in hot pan brewing
 Full of passion and ambition that he knows will take him far, but hesitant and content with less than what he's worth 
because he's afraid of the past that has left him with his share of scars
 His expectations for himself are only outweighed by the ones he loves and would do just about anything for
Yet he feels persistently let down 
because the loyalty he expects is impossible to reciprocate and leaves him wanting more.
He desires love and searches for it like a drowning man seeks a life saving breath. 
Though he has never put enough trust or allowed anyone close enough to seen him at his most vulnerable and meaningful depth.
He is a man of great faith and belief that something greater than himself is the reason that we exist
But religion and man-made ideologies lack in valor, merit, and value of something that he can subsist
 For now he is fine self-medicating with his friends, not crying out for help or seeking some self proclaimed prophetic end.
Just spending nights at the bar or days alone in his home closed off and shut in. 
Hoping that one day he'll find the answers to the definition and potential of what he and others see in him  



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